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    Service hotline:+86-0516-83248188



    Current location:Home> Product > Modifier



    Phosphorus salt composite modifier RH-BZ

    Update time:2023-07-19
    磷銅變質(zhì)劑RH-LT◆ 用 途用于共晶及共晶鋁硅合金及其它高強度耐鷹鑄造鋁合金的變質(zhì)處理?!?特 點長效變質(zhì),不衰退,可重復(fù)熔煉,不污染鋁液。變質(zhì)處理方便,可隨爐料同時加入,也可在熔液中加入?!?用法及用量將磷銅合金破碎后預(yù)熱,按爐料重量的百分之0.4- 0.69加入到…

    Service hotline

    • Product Details

     Phosphorus salt composite modifierRH-BZ

    ◆ Purpose

    This agent is used for modification treatment of eutectic and eutectic aluminum silicon alloys

    ◆ Characteristics

    The modified effect after treatment has long-lasting and remelting properties, greatly reducing the shrinkage tendency of castings and improving the yield.

    ◆ Usage and dosage

    After the aluminum alloy is heated to a certain temperature, the slag is removed. The block like modifier is pressed into the melt using a bell jar until the reaction is complete, or the powder like modifier is sprinkled on the surface of the aluminum liquid. After melting, it is pressed into the aluminum liquid and kept for 10 minutes before refining and casting.

    ◆ Addition amount

    Eutectic silicon alloy 0.8-1.2%, hypereutectic aluminum silicon alloy 1.5-2.0%

    ◆ Packaging and storage

    Store in a dry and ventilated place, strictly prevent moisture absorption and oxidation,

    Carton lined with plastic bags for packaging.

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